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Press Release
Thailand Gems and Jewelry Fair 2024 is the Major Gems and Jewelry Fair in Asia and is held annually, The Fair will take place over 5 days as B2B events, from February 21 to 25, 2024. The Fair encourages the buyer to source gemstones directly from Bangkok, Thailand is “The World Capital of Gemstones” and also a one-stop service for gems and jewelry manufacturing with a full range of gems and jewelry clusters. Complete your Gems and Jewelry Sourcing and Ordered in one destination. Organized by The Thai Gem and Jewelry Traders Association.


今年的泰国宝石与珠宝展将于 2024年2月21-25日 在泰国曼谷半办。今年的展会为期 5 天,只而向 B2B 交易商。曼谷是全球公认的彩宝之都。本次交易展为世界各地的彩宝采购商提供面对面的高质量交流机会,并整合了以曼谷为中心的泰国珠宝首饰行业上下游各类供应商和服务商,帮助您一站式解决珠宝首饰采购定制的所有需求。


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